
Showing posts from September, 2017

Gamry Introduces a New Potentiostat to Their Line of Electrochemical Instrumentation

Gamry Instruments has released a new potentiostat, the Interface 1010, to their complete line of electrochemical instruments. Philadelphia, PA, September 7, 2017 – Gamry Instruments has officially launched the new Interface 1010 Potentiostat/Galvanostat/Zero-Resistance Ammeter.  The new electrochemical instrument will be replacing the original Interface 1000 Series Potentiostat with additional features. All Gamry potentiostats are electrically isolated from ground and the new Interface 1010 is no exception. A floating potentiostat is able to make measurements on earth-grounded electrodes or multiple working electrodes in a shared cell. The Interface 1010 is available in two models.  The 1010E is a full-featured potentiostat capable of performing all techniques including electrochemical impedance, and the 1010B has the  ability to run basic physical and electroanalytical techniques . New features of the Interface 1010 include a built-in temperature monitor using an RTD ( Res