
Showing posts from November, 2020

Gamry Instruments Introduces a High Voltage Test System for EIS up to 20kHz

 The New Gamry LPI1010 for doing Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) on an entire stack or battery pack Philadelphia, PA. – November 3, 2020 – Gamry Instruments, the manufacturer of high-quality electrochemical instrumentation, has announced the launch of a new high voltage test system for impedance measurements offering advantages to researchers who wish to study electrodes and mechanisms in batteries, fuel cells, and electrolyzers. Vehicle electrification is requiring changes in how batteries and fuel cells are tested. The need continues to require electrochemistry to develop better and more efficient storage and conversion devices. The new LPI1010 High Voltage EIS system consists of an Interface 1010E potentiostat, an LPI1010 and a load or power supply depending on the application. This new system will modulate the load or power supply while measuring the voltage response of the entire stack. The precision of a dynamic electrochemical measurement, such as EIS, is important.