Gamry Exposes Students to Electrochemistry

Gamry’s Out-Reach Program conducted a talk to local Philadelphia high school students who were attending a Materials Summer Program at the University of Pennsylvania.

The talk was given by Andrew McCaskill, Sales Engineer at Gamry Instruments. Andrew gave a short lecture introducing the students to Corrosion Studies using Electrochemical Methods.  In addition to the lecture, the students continued to the lab where Andrew gave a demonstration on Assessing the Corrosion rate of Steel using the Linear Polarization Resistance Technique.
Electrochemistry is a vital tool for today’s research.  As a branch of physical chemistry, electrochemistry studies the relationship between electricity as a measurable and quantitative phenomenon, and identifiable chemical change.  Electrochemistry is everywhere.  Nearly every industry and institute needs electrochemistry and its impact on daily life. From corrosion and energy storage, through water treatment and purification, clean energy generation and environmental monitoring to medical diagnostics and electrodeposition. The use of Electrochemistry is indeed in our daily life.
Andrew, a graduate of Florida Institute of Technology, has both B.S. and M.S. degrees in Chemical Engineering.  At Florida Tech, he managed a research group's facility focusing on renewable and alternative energies.  Andrew has just celebrated his one-year anniversary with Gamry Instruments
Gamry is excited about their out-reach program to expose students to Electrochemistry.  If you would like more information on available talks, contact


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