Gamry Instruments is Offering Free Electrochemistry Webinars

Gamry is creating free webinars focusing on applications and instrumentation for on-going electrochemical research assistance 

Warminster, PA, April 20, 2020 – During these trying times, Gamry Instruments is taking the opportunity to begin concentrating on ways of interacting with their supporters and customers. One way of doing this is by reaching out virtually in creating free webinars focusing on applications and instrumentation for on-going assistance in electrochemical research.

These free webinars are open to anyone interested in electrochemistry. A page of the website has been created and is dedicated to a list of upcoming webinars as well as a form to be completed for registration. Due to the overwhelming response received on these webinars, Gamry is allowing users to make suggestions on what additional webinars they may like to see.

After the live presentation of the webinars, Gamry is posting the recordings on the Video Library section of the website. In addition to the recorded webinars, the library has product demonstration videos and instruction videos on the use of the Gamry Framework Software and Echem Analyst.

As an essential business during the Coronavirus Emergency, Gamry Instruments’ facility has reopened with employees practicing appropriate social distancing guidelines, following appropriate sanitation procedures, and using personal protective equipment as well as working in shifts to minimize potential risks to employees in the building.  During this time, you can contact the Gamry Team via phone +215-682-9330 or by completing Sales or Technical Support forms on the website.


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